Recovery Coach Training
Please check back regularly for updates.

Training Cancellations
Today, challenges and quickly changing information about the public health issues surrounding COVID-19 must be a priority. Keeping ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities healthy should be everyone’s concern and everyone’s goal.
In light of these expanded protections in Washington State, the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling has had to postpone or cancel in-person Training Workshops and will evaluate future trainings as needed. ECPG is currently offering a wide variety of virtual/online training opportunities.

Recovery Coach Training Workshops
Elevating your skills and professionalism as a Recovery Coach is becoming more vital as employers seek trained Recovery Coaches for settings such as Emergency Departments, Treatment Centers, and Recovery Community Organizations.
ECPG recognizes this growing need and provides CCAR Trainings including Recovery Coach Academy (RCA)* and advanced training workshops throughout the year.
*RCA is a prerequisite for Advanced Training Workshops

Good training is critical.
If you would like to request training for your agency, make a donation, or sponsor a training, please contact us.