Low Risk
Based on your answers to the BBGS questions, you are considered to be at lower risk.
This means that based on this screening tool, you are at “low risk” for currently having a Gambling Disorder.
However, a few things to note are:
1) “Low risk” does not mean “no risk” and even if you are not experiencing any problems from gambling now, they can develop later.
2) You answered only three questions and gambling-related harms can be extensive, including many that you were not just asked about. If you are experiencing gambling-related harms not reflected here, it is recommended to speak with a specialist to discuss your concerns and get a professional opinion.
3) This screening tool does not ask about any concerns you may have about the gambling of someone else close to you. If you are worried about a friend or family member, or experiencing harm to your own life and emotional health as a result of their gambling, you can speak with a Certified Gambling Counselor about your concerns and get a professional recommendation.
Please know that if you or a loved one is seeking help with problems caused by gambling, you are not alone and help is available. You can find help and resource 24/7 through the Washington Problem Gambling Helpline, available at 1-800-547-6133.
If you are not in Washington state, you can contact the National Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537).

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