Even the Strongest Need Help
Help, Support, and Tools for Service Members, Their Loved Ones, and Behavioral Health and Peer Professionals.

Offering Help for Service Members and Veterans
It takes strength, duty, and honor to serve our country. But those who struggle with gambling know it takes bravery to ask for help. Service members and veterans are twice as likely to have a problem with gambling. But they’re not alone. We’re with you, providing a safe place to get help.

Giving Support to Loved Ones and Family
It’s estimated that 56,000 active troops—and untold thousands of veterans—struggle with gambling. Are you the loved one of a service member or veteran who is struggling? Gambling-related harms can feel overwhelming. But there is care and support for you.

Take a Problem Gambling Self-Screen
Take the confidential three-question problem gambling eScreener below. The Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen (BBGS) is designed to help people decide to seek additional support and a formal evaluation of their gambling behavior.

Do You Need Help or Support Today? You’re Not Alone
Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a display of strength. If you or your loved one has been affected by gambling, help is just a click away.

Providing Tools for Behavioral Health and Peer Professionals
There’s very little research available about troops who struggle with gambling, yet the problem is growing. Are you a behavioral health or Peer professional who continually works to provide better care for your patients? Learn more about effective tools and resources available today.
Developed in partnership with
Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling
and Washington State Health Care Authority State Problem Gambling Program