(Gag) Gift Responsibly
Cait Huble, with NCPG, and Kristi Weeks, with Washington’s Lottery, explain what “Gift-Responsibly” both around the holidays and all year means and why lottery and scratch-off tickets are not appropriate gifts for minors. Then we do a little “un-boxing” of our own as we open the gifts we sent each other before the episode recording. Wow! Were we in for a hilarious surprise.

Assistant Director
Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling
With Special Guests:
Cait Huble
Director of Communications
National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG)
Kristi Weeks
Director of Legal Services
Washington’s Lottery
- National Council on Problem Gambling: https://www.ncpgambling.org/
- NCPG Gift-Responsibly: https://www.ncpgambling.org/programs-resources/gift-responsibly-campaign/
- Washington’s Lottery: https://www.walottery.com/
- Washington’s Lottery Gift-Responsibly: https://walottery.com/Responsibility/GiftsToMinors.aspx
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