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- WEBINAR: Reducing Barriers
WEBINAR: Reducing Barriers
Recorded live: Friday, February 24, 2022
In this webinar we will chat about tips and ideas for professionals to reduce barriers to accessing help services, discuss how to promote Problem Gambling awareness while being culturally sensitive, and explore how those struggling can find help for themselves and their families.
March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM)
This is one of two FREE live-streamed webinars leading up to PGAM that are designed to help you approach gambling disorder awareness and advocacy with cultural sensitivity and promote Gambling Disorder Screening Day: March 8, 2022. Learn about these and other events coming up: https://www.evergreencpg.org/attend/
With Special Guests:
- Priscila Giamassi, NLBHA, NHL PTTC
- Susie Villalobos, NLBHA, NHL ATTC
- Ruth Yanez, NLBHA, NHL ATTC
Join us: Live on YouTube and on Facebook Live (Link TBA)
- Mês de Conscientização sobre Jogo Problemático: https://youtu.be/4psnGwjKjHI
- Concienciación sobre el Juego Problemático: https://youtu.be/3wobHMkcNhc
- Problem Gambling Awareness Month: https://youtu.be/jfpUsQk8P_4
- ECPG Twitter Chat Tuesdays (every Tuesday in March): https://twitter.com/EvergreenCPG
- ECPG Spanish page: https://www.evergreencpg.org/es/
- ECPG PGAM webpage: https://www.evergreencpg.org/awareness/pg-awareness-month/
- NCPG PGAM webpage: https://www.ncpgambling.org/pgam/
- NLBHA http://www.nlbha.org/
- NLBHA YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCST3R0glqczlK-BXdjD6uwA/videos
- NHL ATTC https://attcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-attc/home
- NHL PTTC https://pttcnetwork.org/centers/content/national-hispanic-latino-pttc
- NHL PTTC Problem Gambling Awareness Month Information https://pttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-latino-pttc/news/march-national-problem-gambling-awareness-month?fbclid=IwAR0PdpH6J5vL7Yf0cZGcRyEgHCE3PVXS8JzYEGbLRDs7QfPgrPYG-7U80I8
- NHL MHTTC https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-mhttc/home
- Know the Odds: Latino Communities & Problem Gambling: https://knowtheodds.org/resources/ebooks/latino-communities-problem-gambling/
- 2021’s PGAM video – Screening Day toolkit and virtual screening: https://youtu.be/H3KPCiGqroo